10 years after Fukushima "HOPE 2011" a tribute to Japan’s Earthquake and Tsunami Victims March 2011

"HOPE 2011” was the title of a major event open by the Miyanomori International Museum of Art to the French artist Guillaume Bottazzi whose work adorns the museum since then. The cultural event took place from September 16th to November 27th 2011. It was presented in several forms : an exhibition, the public execution of permanent painting and meetings with the artist.

HOPE 2011 a tribute to Japan’s Earthquake and Tsunami Victims March 2011
Guillaume Bottazzi who has stayed in Japan on many occasions felt a strong concern for the horrifying impact of the earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan in March 2011. To overcome this disaster people needed positive motivational inducement to help them to stand up and go ahead again. The decision to rebuilt the museum and ask the great European artist to be associated to this revival, proved that contemporary art can spur Japanese’s revival by showing the way of boldness and courage.

Few months later after the natural disaster, the decision of the Miyanomori International Museum of Art to renovate the museum and prepare it as a base for Guillaume Bottazzi’s performance, was a clear proof that art is capable of leading a new Japan. The main purpose of the exhibition was to provide a large scale program of support to Japan victims of tsunami and earthquake. A part of admissions fees to the exhibition has been given for the reconstruction of affected areas from the earthquake.