20 oeuvres d'art à découvrir dans le cadre des Journées Européennes du Patrimoine 2020..
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est #art #Guillaume Bottazzi #Bottazzi #art Bottazzi #ギヨム・ボタジ #artistBottazzi #artisteBottazzi #interiorDesign #well-being #bien-être. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est #art #Guillaume Bottazzi #Bottazzi #art Bottazzi #ギヨム・ボタジ #artistBottazzi #artisteBottazzi #interiorDesign #well-being #bien-être. Afficher tous les articles
20 oeuvres d'art à découvrir dans le cadre des Journées Européennes du Patrimoine 2020

Designed to promote a sense of everyday well-being, Guillaume Bottazzi’s lamps are inspired by a zen approach to Japanese-style living.
According to the painter Guillaume Bottazzi, lighting helps improve our well-being. He designed his first lamp collection with this in mind. These sleek, sophisticated products blend in effortlessly with their surroundings while providing lighting that is both poetic and refined. For Bottazzi, his creations reflect our own energy...

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