Affichage des articles dont le libellé est GuillaumeBottazzi #ギヨムボタジ #guillaumebottazzi #紀堯姆波塔茲 #боттаззи #bottazzi. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est GuillaumeBottazzi #ギヨムボタジ #guillaumebottazzi #紀堯姆波塔茲 #боттаззи #bottazzi. Afficher tous les articles

Guillaume Bottazzi 紀堯姆.波塔茲 БОТТАЗЗИ ギヨム・ボタジ - reflection


Sensory perception is created by arousal or stimulation which itself produces a reaction.We are able to see an object only if the information passes through the cortex.That explains why our vision..