Guillaume Bottazzi / le Musée Internationnal d’Art Miyanomori est le plus grand musée d’art contemporain à Hokkaidō ..
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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est art Sapporo #art #Guillaume Bottazzi #Bottazzi #art Bottazzi #ギヨム_ボタジ #artist Bottazzi #art. Afficher tous les articles
Guillaume Bottazzi au Japon sur l' ile d'Hokkaido
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art Japon,
art Sapporo,
art Sapporo #art #Guillaume Bottazzi #Bottazzi #art Bottazzi #ギヨム_ボタジ #artist Bottazzi #art,
Hokaido art

Miyanomori International Museum of Art, Sapporo
Miyanomori International Museum of Art, Sapporo

The main building of this contemporary art museum, notable for its mural of hope, opened in November 2011.
This museum carries out many exhibitions and events, which primarily focus on contemporary art from the latter half of the twentieth century. It holds opening parties for exhibitions in its courtyard. At times, the building’s white walls are used projection mapping. The exterior wall facing the street features a colorful mural by the French abstract painter Guillaume Bottazzi.
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#art #Guillaume Bottazzi #Bottazzi #art Bottazzi #artist Bottazzi #artiste Bottazzi,
art Sapporo #art #Guillaume Bottazzi #Bottazzi #art Bottazzi #ギヨム_ボタジ #artist Bottazzi #art,

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