Parce que Guillaume Bottazzi est principalement reconnu pour ses œuvres monumentales, il en réalise de part et d’autre du monde dans les espaces urbains (on en compte aujourd’hui 40) : une peinture de 216m2 dans le quartier d’affaires de La Défense à Paris, une peinture monumentale de 50m2 sur l’un des bâtiments de la Ciotat à Marseille, deux œuvres de 4 mètres de haut sur un bâtiment du quartier Gratte-ciel de Villeurbanne mais aussi une peinture monumentale de 900m2 sur toutes les faces du Miyanomori International Museum of Art (MIMAS) de Sapporo au Japon...
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est French May 2016. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est French May 2016. Afficher tous les articles
Guillaume Bottazzi envoûte Hong Kong / TV5Monde Asie
Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
art event Hong,
art exhibition Hong Kong,
artist Bottazzi,
artiste Bottazzi,
Bottazzi Hong Kong,
French May 2016,

Guillaume Bottazzi / TV5Monde Asia, Hong Kong
Guillaume Bottazzi / TV5Monde Asia, Hong Kong
Rassemblant une vingtaine de grands formats (huiles sur toile et plâtres fin sur tissu), l’exposition hongkongaise de l’artiste est un véritable voyage vers l’étrange. Elle permet au visiteur d’évoluer dans un univers irréel qui sollicite son imaginaire et sa créativité. Les tableaux n’ont pas de titre, pour intentionnellement ne pas le guider et le laisser se perdre.
Parce que son travail évoque les sens, plusieurs neuroscientifiques ont travaillé avec l’artiste. Olivier Douville notamment, psychanaliste et anthropologue qui donne quelques clefs pour comprendre son travail : “Un art (…) qui fait glisser des flux de formes et de couleur (…), des dispositions de corps et de sensations invitant le spectateur à habiter la peinture et non simplement à la regarder. Les grands murs peints apparaissent comme des steamers s’avançant vers nous et nous invitant au voyage (…)”.
Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
art event Hong Kong,
artist Bottazzi,
French May 2016,
Guillaume Bottazzi,

紀堯姆.波塔茲 - 仙境 / Guillaume Bottazzi - Wonderland
釋放想像力!法國五月推出「紀堯姆.波塔茲 - 仙境 / Guillaume Bottazzi
In a 565 m² space, 23 recent paintings will be show, including artworks of 3 meters by 2 meters and 2 meters by 2 meters. This exhibition includes oil on canvas and also some paintings made with fine plaster and glue on fabric.
Libellés :
art event Hong Kong,
contemporary art Hong Kong,
French May,
French May 2016,

Guillaume Bottazzi - Wonderland / 紀堯姆・波塔茲-仙境 - -展覽
Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
art event Hong Kong,
artist Bottazzi,
Bottazzi Hong Kong,
French May,
French May 2016,
Guillaume Bottazzi,

Claude Monet - Guillaume Bottazzi / TVbnews
Claude Monet - Guillaume Bottazzi / French May
tvbnews - TV d'information de Hong-Kong / Hong-Kong news TV
Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
art event Hong Kong,
art exhibition Hong Kong,
artist Bottazzi,
artiste Bottazzi,
French May,
French May 2016,
Guillaume Bottazzi,

Guillaume Bottazzi / WEN WEI PO
Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
art event Hong Kong,
artist Bottazzi,
contemporary art Hong Kong,
French May,
French May 2016,
Guillaume Bottazzi,

紀堯姆・波塔茲-仙境」展覽 / Guillaume Bottazzi - Wonderland
紀堯姆・波塔茲-仙境」展覽 / Guillaume Bottazzi - Wonderland
此次展覽邀請觀眾領略幻境,一個需要釋放想像與創造力的世界。面對當今世界的重重困境,紀堯姆・波塔茲的作品帶給我們愉悅與幸福。 法國藝術家紀堯姆.波塔茲在港的首次公開作品展將於2016年5月21日至6月5日,在香港中央圖書館舉辦。此展覽將展示這位藝術家的23幅近作,其中包括若干3米乘2米和2米乘2米的巨幅作品。展覽期間亦將放映四部紀錄片,其中包括一部由日本札幌宮之森美術館製作的影片,將首次放映。該片紀錄了波塔茲2011年在美術館外牆創作900平方米作品的過程。 展覽亦會介紹的一項最近有關波塔茲作品的科學研究,顯示波塔茲的畫作能為觀賞者帶來愉悅與幸福的感受。
Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
art event Hong Kong,
artist Bottazzi,
contemporary art Hong Kong exhibition,
French May,
French May 2016,
Guillaume Bottazzi

「紀堯姆.波塔茲」──仙境 Guillaume Bottazzi ‘Wonderland’
「紀堯姆.波塔茲」──仙境 Guillaume Bottazzi ‘Wonderland’
Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
art event Hong Kong,
artist Bottazzi,
Bottazzi Hong Kong,
French May,
French May 2016,
Guillaume Bottazzi

法國視覺藝術家是怎樣煉成的 / Guillaume Bottazzi
法國視覺藝術家是怎樣煉成的 / Guillaume Bottazzi,
solo show, Hong Kong
以下是關於現代藝術家的典型劇情:十七歲立志做藝術家,但家人認為搞藝術即是等餓死所以反對,於是他毅然決然離家出走,實現夢想去。不少人到此就沒有後續劇情了,但今天說的故事挺勵志,因為故事的主角正是法國視覺藝術家Guillaume Bottazzi。今天他帶同23件近作,首次現身香港,親身在中央圖書館與大家對話。...

Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
art event Hong Kong,
artist Bottazzi,
artiste Bottazzi,
French May,
French May 2016,
Guillaume Bottazzi

Guillaume Bottazzi - French May 2016 : Hong Kong Economic Journal / 2016 May 24th
Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
art event Hong Kong,
artist Bottazzi,
artiste Bottazzi,
Bottazzi Hong Kong,
French May,
French May 2016,
Guillaume Bottazzi,

Visitors take pictures during " Guillaume Bottazzi - Wonderland" 's exhibition
Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
art event Hong Kong,
artist Bottazzi,
artiste Bottazzi,
Bottazzi Guillaume,
French May,
French May 2016,
Guillaume Bottazzi,

Visitors photos : first day of the exhibition "Guillaume Bottazzi - Wonderland"
Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
art event Hong Kong,
artist Bottazzi,
artiste Bottazzi,
French May,
French May 2016,
Guillaume Bottazzi,

"Guillaume Bottazzi - Wonderland" sur Luxury Design
Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
art event Hong Kong,
artist Bottazzi,
artiste Bottazzi,
Bottazzi Hong Kong,
contemporary art Hong Kong,
French May,
French May 2016,
Guillaume Bottazzi,

Guillaume Bottazzi's exhibition : Press preview, Hong Kong
Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
art event Hong Kong,
art public,
artist Bottazzi,
artiste Bottazzi,
French May,
French May 2016,
Guillaume Bottazzi,
public art,

Guillaume Bottazzi / Consulat Général de France à Hong Kong & Macao
Guillaume Bottazzi / Consulat Général de France à Hong Kong & Macao
Organisée dans le cadre du French May 2016, la première exposition publique des oeuvres de Guillaume Bottazzi à Hong Kong aura lieu du 21 mai au 5 juin 2016 à la Hong Kong Central Library...
Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
art event Hong Kong,
artist Bottazzi,
artiste Bottazzi,
consulat de France à Hong Kong,
French May,
French May 2016,
Guillaume Bottazzi,

Guillaume Bottazzi - Wonderland, Hong Kong
Guillaume Bottazzi - Wonderland, Hong Kong
In a statement, the organizers of Le French May 2016 said they hope the show will “induce visitors to evolve in an unreal world, a world which will call upon our imagination and our creativity.”
Bottazzi’s paintings are accompanied in the show by images of his public artworks. One highlight is a collection of photos of “Hope,” a 900-square-meter mural commissioned by the Miyanomori International Museum of Art in Sapporo, Japan. The artist began painting “Hope” just eight months after the devastating 2011 Tōhoku earthquake, and its colorful abstract shapes represent an attempt to make a joyful, hopeful addition to the city....
Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
art Hong Kong event,
artist Bottazzi,
artiste Bottazzi,
French May,
French May 2016,
Guillaume Bottazzi,

Guillaume Bottazzi’s Exhibition, French May
Guillaume Bottazzi : exhibition
It’s the middle of May, so you know what that means: Le French May 2016 is in full swing,
with over 120 cultural programs, events and exhibitions in the calendar. Among them is a
showcasing his Wonderland exhibition from May 21-June 5, 2016, in an unusual
place: the Hong Kong Central Library.
Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
art event Hong Kong,
art in situ,
art public,
artist Bottazzi,
Bottazzi French May,
contemporary art Hong Hong,
French May 2016,
Guillaume Bottazzi,
public art,

"Guillaume Bottazzi - Wonderland", Hong Kong
"Guillaume Bottazzi - Wonderland", Hong Kong
Guillaume Bottazzi ha firmato più di quaranta monumentali opere d’arte, tra le quali il più grande dipinto in Giappone per il MIMAS (Miyanomori Museo Internazionale d’Arte).
Il suo lavoro più recente, è un dipinto di 200 metri quadrati, realizzato nel percorso artistico di Parigi La Défense, il più grande spazio all’aperto di arte contemporanea in Francia...

Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
art event Hong Kong,
artist Bottazzi,
Bottazzi French May,
Bottazzi Guiillaume,
French May,
French May 2016,
Guillaume Bottazzi,
Hong Kong Bottazzi,

Le French May 2016 : Guillaume Bottazzi - Wonderland
French May 2016 presents
« Guillaume Bottazzi – Wonderland »
Unseen in Hong Kong:
In a 565 m² space, the Hong Central Library will host from May 21th to June 5th the first public Guillaume Bottazzi’s exhibition in Hong Kong. On this occasion, 23 recent paintings will be shown, including artworks of 3 meters by 2 meters and 2 meters by 2 meters. This exhibition includes oil on canvas and also
some paintings made...

Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
art event Hong Kong,
artist Bottazzi,
artiste Bottazzi,
Bottazzi French May,
Bottazzi Guiillaume,
French May 2016,
Guillaume Bottazzi,
Hong Kong Bottazzi

Solo show: Guillaume Bottazzi, French May
Solo show: "Guillaume Bottazzi Wonderland" - French May, Hong Kong
In a 565 square meters space...
Libellés :
art Bottazzi,
artist Bottazzi,
Bottazzi French May,
Bottazzi Hong Kong,
contemporary art Hong Kong,
French May 2016,
Guillaume Bottazzi,
Hong Kong art event,

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